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Reisgids Rwanda | Ebizguides (9788493520236)
- ISBN / CODE: 9788493520236
- Editie: 01-01-2008
- Druk: 1
- Aantal blz.: 290
- Uitgever: Ebizguides
- Soort: Reisgids
- Taal: Engels
- Hoogte: 21.0 cm
- Breedte: 15.0 cm
- Gewicht: 507.0 g
- Bindwijze: Paperback
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€ 36,50
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These are the premier guidebooks for business globetrotters - or anyone needing to know more about a specific country. These guides are the perfect companion for the international business traveller who wants to have the best of both worlds - business and leisure. All sections include full contact info (tel, fax, email, website, postal addresses). They include comprehensive business and leisure info prepared especially for the business traveller which is either difficult to source or simply doesn't exist elsewhere. Contents include: 'Did You Know' and 'Fact File' introduction; General information - inc Government, National Symbols, Judiciary, Geography, Climate, People & Languages, and Religion; Money & Banking; Communications; Health & Safety; Travelling; Business Resource List; The Country's Economy - Investment & Legal Framework, Economic Growth, Agriculture, Energy, Finance & Monetary System; Industry & Trade; Construction & Public Works; Tourism; Transport & Communication; and Leisure - Food & Drink; Culture; Hotels; and Sightseeing.
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