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Natuurgids A photographic field guide to the Wildlife of Seychelles - Seychellen | John Beaufoy (9781913679286)
includes 16 top hiking trails
- ISBN / CODE: 9781913679286
- Editie: 2023
- Aantal blz.: 196
- Auteur(s): Chris Mason-Parker
- Uitgever: John Beaufoy
- Soort: Natuurgids
- Serie: A photographic field guide to the
- Taal: Engels
- Bindwijze: Paperback
- Uitvoering: -
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€ 24,95
Leverbaar in 3 - 5 werkdagen in huis in Belgie Levertijd Nederland Leverbaar in 3 - 5 werkdagen in huis in Nederland Levertijd Belgie
Gratis verzending in Nederland vanaf €35,-
- Afbeeldingen
- Inkijkexemplaar
A Photographic Guide to the Wildlife of Seychelles covers the inner and outer islands of the Seychelles archipelago, and includes photographs of over 220 species of flora and fauna, including birds, mammals, butterflies, and other insects, reptiles, amphibians, fish, molluscs, and crustaceans, with descriptions, information about where to find them, and their conservation status. Although the Seychelles islands only amount to an area of 455 km2 and are spread across 115 islands in the Western Indian Ocean, they support a diverse catalogue of flowering plants, at least 100 of which are found nowhere else.
The introduction covers the geography, historical background, and climate of Seychelles, as well as travel practicalities. The guide also features a selection of 16 of the best nature trails on Mahé, Praslin, Silhouette, La Digue, Curieuse, Aride, and Cousin Islands, with route maps and details of what can be seen.
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