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Vogelgids Birds of Seychelles - Seychellen | Bloomsbury (9781408151518)
- ISBN / CODE: 9781408151518
- Editie: 2011
- Aantal blz.: 176
- Auteur(s): Adrian Skerrett, Tony Disley
- Uitgever: Bloomsbury
- Soort: Vogelgids
- Serie: Helm Field Guides
- Taal: Engels
- Bindwijze: Paperback
- Uitvoering: -
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€ 47,50
Dit artikel is (tijdelijk) niet leverbaar Dit artikel is (tijdelijk) niet leverbaar
- Afbeeldingen
- Inkijkexemplaar
This compact field guide, based on "Birds of Seychelles" by Adrian Skerrett, Ian Bullock and Tony Disley (Helm 2000), is the only field guide to cover every species recorded in they Seychelles. It covers more than 250 species, including all residents, migrants and vagrants. Concise text on facing pages highlights key identification features, including habitat, distribution, status and voice. The plates are based on the authors' previous work, but with the addition of many new images. The text has been completely re-written and revised for this edition, and the plates are been re-worked to accommodate a number of new additions to the country's list. There are now 12 more plates than in the first edition.
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