Wegenkaart - landkaart Papua New Guinea - West Papua (Irian Jaya) | ITMB (9781553413424)
- ISBN / CODE: 9781553413424
- Editie: 15-05-2016
- Druk: 3
- Aantal blz.: 1
- Schaal: 1:2000000
- Uitgever: ITMB
- Soort: Wegenkaart
- Taal: Engels
- Hoogte: 25.0 cm
- Breedte: 10.0 cm
- Gewicht: 51.0 g
- Uitvoering: Papier
- Schrijf als eerste een review
€ 13,95
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Een degelijke kaart met aanduidingen van o.a. nationale parken, vliegveld, benzinepomp, dirt-roads en kleine plattegrond van hoofdstad. Als overzichtskaart goed te gebruiken.
This is the replacement map for our former Papua New Guinea map. It has a similar cover picture, but for this edition, we have added the rest of the island, the Indonesian province of West Irian, to the other side of the paper, creating a complete island map (much as we did with Borneo and Dominican Republic/Haiti). This map also includes some of the islands west of New Guinea, including the newly independent country of East Timor (not in great detail, but it’s there). Naturally, the Papua side has been updated cartographically, and is MUCH more developed than the western side, but to me the real significance of this title is that one of the largest islands in the world is now completely mapped for the first time ever. This is the first new map of West Irian province for years, and adds interesting Indonesian islands from the Ceram Sea area, such as Anbom and Hatta to ITM’s detailed coverage of Indonesia. Double-sided.
Legend Includes:
Roads by classification, airfields, points of interests, wildlife reserves, lakes, museums, ferries, churches, beaches, waterfalls, ruins, volcanoes and more.
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