Wegenkaart - landkaart GM Tajikistan Southern Tajikistan - Zuid Tadzjikistan | Gecko Maps (9783906593463)
Tourist Map of Kathlon and direct rule districts with adjacent areas of Uzbekistan and Afghanistan
- ISBN / CODE: 9783906593463
- Schaal: 1:500000
- Uitgever: Gecko Maps
- Soort: Wegenkaart
- Serie: GM Tajikistan
- Taal: Engels
- Bindwijze: -
- Uitvoering: -
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€ 18,95
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Due to the great success of "The Pamirs" map and because of an increasing need for accurate, updated maps of high quality of other Central Asia regions, the leading Swiss cartography enterprise "Orell Füssli Kartographie AG" and - in joint venture with the "Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (DEZA)"- decided the production for additional two maps in a scale of 1:500.000.
Tourist Map 1:500'000
Handpainted hill-shading with hypsometrical tints
Including large areas of Uzbekistan und Afghanistan
Updated road network
City map of Dushanbe
Area map of the Fan Mountainbs
Overview map of Central Asia
District map
Reverse side full of information about Southern Tajikistan
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