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Reisgids The 500 Hidden Secrets of Brussels | Luster (9789460583032)
- ISBN / CODE: 9789460583032
- Editie: 23-10-2024
- Druk: 14
- Aantal blz.: 256
- Auteur(s): Derek Blyth
- Uitgever: Luster
- Soort: Reisgids
- Serie: The 500 Hidden Secrets of
- Taal: Engels
- Hoogte: 18.0 cm
- Breedte: 12.0 cm
- Gewicht: 356.0 g
- Bindwijze: Paperback
- Uitvoering: -
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€ 23,95
Leverbaar in 3 - 5 werkdagen in huis in Belgie Levertijd Nederland Leverbaar in 3 - 5 werkdagen in huis in Nederland Levertijd Belgie
Gratis verzending in Nederland vanaf €35,-
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Van de uitgever
Where are the 5 best places to eat fries in Brussels?Which are the 5 small museums that you must not miss?
And how do you find the 5 best coffee bars in town?
This affectionate guide is written by a local journalist who knows the city intimately. He lists the 500 things about Brussels that he would tell his friends if they visited. He reveals the places that no one knows - like the cafeteria on the top floor of the national library, the underwear museum and the Surrealist bar where Magritte used to drink. This is a book for visitors who want to avoid the usual tourist spots and for residents who want to find out everything that is good about their city. Derek Blyth is a Scottish writer who has lived in Brussels for the past 21 years. Editor-in-chief of the Brussels news magazine The Bulletin until 2010, he has published several books on the Low Countries, including Flemish Cities Explored. He is the author of The 500 Hidden Secrets of Antwerp and Ghent and of Hidden Belgium.
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