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Reisgids Culture Smart! Italy - Italië | Kuperard (9781787028760)
essential guide to customs and culture
- ISBN / CODE: 9781787028760
- Editie: 01-06-2021
- Druk: 3
- Aantal blz.: 200
- Auteur(s): Barry Tomalin
- Uitgever: Kuperard
- Soort: Reisgids
- Serie: Culture Smart!
- Taal: Engels
- Hoogte: 17.0 cm
- Breedte: 11.0 cm
- Gewicht: 214.0 g
- Uitvoering: -
- Bindwijze: Paperback
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€ 14,95
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- Inkijkexemplaar
De Cultuur Bewust!-gids geeft toeristen en zakenlieden belangrijke informatie met betrekking tot de cultuur van alledag in het land van bestemming. Anders dan in de gebruikelijke reisgidsen wordt de lezer in deze reeks bijgespijkerd op het gebied van omgangsvormen, normen en waarden, hoe zich te gedragen en wat verwacht mag worden op zakelijk en sociaal gebied. Het zijn beknopte zakformaatgidsen met interessante wetenswaardigheden over het dagelijks leven. Een must voor iedereen die naar het buitenland gaat voor vakantie, studie of werk.
Italy delights and stimulates with its magnificent cities and monuments, its stunningly beautiful landscapes, the glory of its art and architecture, the richness and variety of its food, the elegance of its design and fashion, and the vitality and charm of its people. Italian style and culture have been exported all over the world. What is it like at home? Almost ten years after the 2008 banking crisis, Italy struggles to maintain its standard of living, the stability of the currency, and its ability to provide jobs for its school leavers and university graduates, many of whom now leave to work elsewhere in Europe. In addition, the influx of refugees from southeast Europe and across the Mediterranean is putting pressure on both its security and its economy. How are traditional Italian society and politics changing to deal with these challenges, with its most famous political personality of the last ten years, the former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, still apparently waiting in the wings? The Italians are the most European-minded of nations, having emerged from a long history of regional fragmentation." Culture Smart! Italy" introduces you to their history and culture and offers an insider s guide to their daily lives, passions, and preoccupations. This is your chance to get to know them better."
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