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Reisgids Marco Polo ENG Florence | Marco Polo (9781914515811)
- ISBN / CODE: 9781914515811
- Editie: 30-05-2024
- Druk: 4
- Aantal blz.: 148
- Uitgever: Marco Polo
- Soort: Reisgids
- Serie: Marco Polo ENG
- Taal: Engels
- Hoogte: 19.0 cm
- Breedte: 11.0 cm
- Gewicht: 239.0 g
- Bindwijze: Paperback
- Uitvoering: -
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€ 14,95
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Van de uitgever
Marco Polo Pocket Guide Florence: the Travel Guide with Insider Tips
Explore Florence with this handy, pocket-sized, authoritative guide, packed with Insider Tips. Discover boutique hotels, authentic restaurants, the city's trendiest places, and get tips on shopping and what to do on a limited budget. There are plenty of ideas for travel with kids, and a summary of all the festivals and events that take place. Let Marco Polo show you all this wonderful Italian city has to offer...
Florence, the cradle of the Renaissance, is a wonderfully preserved city with a wealth of unique artistic and architectural treasures. And beyond this glorious cultural heritage you can explore elegant shopping streets, soak up the sun in the beautiful squares, gather round to listen to street musicians or enjoy the incredible local cuisine. A weekend in Florence is a feast for all the senses and no one leaves disappointed...This is Florence!
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