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Reisgids Eyewitness Travel Turkey - Turkije | Dorling Kindersley (9780241208212)
- ISBN / CODE: 9780241208212
- Editie: 2016
- Aantal blz.: 420
- Uitgever: Dorling Kindersley
- Soort: Reisgids
- Serie: Eyewitness Travel
- Taal: Engels
- Bindwijze: Gebonden
- Uitvoering: -
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€ 20,95
Op voorraad. Binnen 2 - 3 werkdagen in huis in Belgie Levertijd Nederland Voor 17.00 uur op werkdagen besteld, morgen in huis in Nederland Levertijd Belgie
Gratis verzending in Nederland vanaf €35,-
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Prachtig geillustreerde reisgids met o.a. 3D tekeningen, fraaie kaarten en geweldige foto’s. Daarnaast uitgebreide achtergrondbeschrijvingen. Echt om in de stemming te komen! Groot formaat gids. Engelstalig
DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Turkey will lead you straight to the best attractions this beautiful part of the world has to offer. Visit Hagia Sophia, experience the hot springs of Pamukkale, and explore the country region-by-region — from local festivals and markets to day trips around the countryside. Discover DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Turkey. • Detailed itineraries and "don't-miss" destination highlights at a glance. • Illustrated cutaway 3-D drawings of important sights. • Floor plans and guided visitor information for major museums. • Guided walking tours, local drink and dining specialties to try, things to do, and places to eat, drink, and shop by area. • Area maps marked with sights. • Detailed city maps include street finder indexes for easy navigation. • Insights into history and culture to help you understand the stories behind the sights. • Hotel and restaurant listings highlight DK Choice special recommendations. With hundreds of full-color photographs, hand-drawn illustrations, and custom maps that illuminate every page, DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Turkey truly shows you this country as no one else can.
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