Wandelkaart - Topografische kaart 146 Uncompahgre Plateau South | National Geographic (9781566955843)
Uncompahgre National Forest, Colorado
- ISBN / CODE: 9781566955843
- Editie: 01-01-2019
- Aantal blz.: 1
- Schaal: 1:63360
- Uitgever: National Geographic
- Soort: Topografische kaart, Wandelkaart
- Taal: Engels
- Hoogte: 19.0 cm
- Breedte: 10.0 cm
- Gewicht: 91.0 g
- Uitvoering: Scheur- en watervast
- Schrijf als eerste een review
€ 17,95
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- Waterproof and tear-resistant
- Detailed road network and clearly marked trails for hiking, biking, horseback riding, skiing, ATV and more
- Detailed topography and clearly defined, color-coded boundaries of national forests, state parks, wilderness areas, and wildlife refuges
- Hundreds of points-of-interest, including trailheads, campgrounds, boat launches, fishing, ranger stations and more
- UTM and Latitude/Longitude grid, as well as selected waypoints and a scale bar for easy and accurate navigation.
- Useful information on United States Forest Service trail travel management and vehicle use
- Important contact information for local land management agencies
- Information on special areas including Roubideau Special Management Area and Tabeguache Area
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