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Wegenatlas - Atlas Fraser Island Atlas & Guide | Hema Maps (9781865005133)

  • ISBN / CODE: 9781865005133
  • Aantal blz.: 128
  • Schaal: 1:300000
  • Uitgever: Hema Maps
  • Soort: Atlas, Wegenatlas
  • Taal: Engels
  • Uitvoering: spiraal
  • Schrijf als eerste een review
  • 25,90

    Uitverkocht, nooit meer leverbaar Uitverkocht, nooit meer leverbaar


A4 formaat, spiraal gebonden


Whether you're a 4WD novice or an off-road veteran, this guide offers indispensible tips on preparing for and making the most of Fraser Island's unique conditions. The guide includes a detailed atlas for navigation and a range of inset maps in a compact size and easy both to carry and store.
The guide also contains plenty of details on where to stay, what to see and do, permits, barges, and driving and preparation tips. There's also interesting background on the island's history, geography, vegetation and fauna. 
The guide is written by travel guidebook author Rob van Driesum, who has explored Australia by 4WD, motorcycle, car and on foot. He is a former guidebook publisher with Lonely Planet and now works as deputy editor on a number of recreational vehicle magazines. So whether you're visiting Fraser Island for a relaxing holiday or a serious 4WD adventure, this informative book will be indispensable.


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