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Reisgids Pantanal Wildlife | Bradt Travel Guides (9781784777135)

- a visitor's guide to Brazil's Great Wetland


This expanded and extensively updated second edition of Bradt's Pantanal Wildlife remains the most user-friendly guidebook for ecotourists visiting South America's great wetland - according to Time magazine, 'one of the world's greatest places'. Extending across Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay, in some ways the Pantanal is the continent's equivalent of Africa's Serengeti: a vast territory brimming with abundant, exciting and photogenic wildlife. The planet's biggest wetland - 10 times larger than Florida's Everglades, 15 times that of Botswana's Okavango Delta - offers superlative wildlife-watching to enthrall novice and expert alike.
In no other New World location can visitors see at point-blank range such a high number and variety of birds (670+ species), mammals (110+ species) and reptiles (50+ species). Alongside breathtaking gatherings of wildlife - with fur, feather and scale crammed into desiccating water bodies during the dry season - record-breakers of the natural world can be easy to spot here. Visitors have excellent opportunities to watch the New World'sAmericas' mightiest cat (nowhere is better to see jaguar), the world's largest parrot (hyacinth macaw), largest rodent (the pig-sized capybara), the planet's greatest gathering of crocodilians (yacaré caiman) and South America's heaviest land mammal (lowland tapir).
Both a wildlife guide and a travel guidebook, Pantanal Wildlife is designed for visitors wishing to recognise the animals they see, to understand more about them and to learn where to look for them - but are too conscious of theirdo not have the baggage allowance to bring a shelf-full of reference material. It comprises authoritative yet accessible text by a South American wildlife expert, bringing remarkable animals to life through highly readable snippets on behaviour and biology, derived from the latest science. Bradt's Pantanal Wildlife remains the only portable, hard-copy guidebook to focus entirely on the South America's finest best wildlife-watching experience in South America, the only book to feature all major faunal groups - and the only guide to cover the entire Pantanal, combining up-to-date visitor advice on where to stay, tips on exactly where to look for the most exciting wildlife and insights into getting around in each of the three countries it encompasses.
Bradt's Pantanal Wildlife is the indispensable travel companion - truly a visitor's guide - to this exhilarating region.


Flora- en fauna bespreking is prima

De neventitel is A Visitor’s guide to Brazil’s Great Wetland. De flora en fauna bespreking is prima en geldt voor de hele Pantanal. Het beschrijft vn. het Noordelijke deel van de Pantanal, dat vanuit Cuiaba te bereiken is. En het zegt dat het zuidelijke deel, in Mato Grosso do Sul geen Transpantaneiro heeft, waarlangs de pousada’s liggen, die bezoekersaccomodatie hebben. Het is vanuit Campo Grande wat verder rijden om de Pantanal in te komen, maar dan is er wel degelijk ook een Highway met daar aan de grote boerderijen (fazenda’s) met lodges en pousada’s.

★★★★★ door Anoniem 28 september 2018

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De Reisgids Pantanal en Reisgids Amazon Highlights van Bradt zijn uitstekend. Precies wat we nodig hebben om onze reis voor te bereiden op gebied van fauna en flora en met links naar andere specifieke boeken. De kaarten zijn niet heel erg uitgebreid maar kunnen dienen als een rode draad. Alleszins zullen we zeker nog eens gebruik maken van uw webwinkel, want jullie hebben inderdaad een “zwerver” aanbod!

★★★★★ door Yolande Dujardin 12 augustus 2013

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