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Wandelkaart Peak District Central | Harvey Maps (9781851375745)

  • ISBN / CODE: 9781851375745
  • Editie: 20-02-2025
  • Aantal blz.: 1
  • Schaal: 1:40000
  • Uitgever: Harvey Maps
  • Soort: Wandelkaart
  • Serie: Ultramap XT40
  • Taal: Engels
  • Hoogte: 15.0 cm
  • Breedte: 7.0 cm
  • Gewicht: 31.0 g
  • Bindwijze: -
  • Uitvoering: Scheur- en watervast
  • Schrijf als eerste een review
  • 19,50

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HARVEY launch innovative new series: Ultramap XT40. 16 titles featuring in Trail magazine through spring 2016. 40 years experience have gone into HARVEY's most creative new series. The Ultramap covers a large area yet is small enough to slip in a pocket. Actual size 73mm x 152mm. The Ultramap is fully detailed genuine original HARVEY mapping. The Ultramap is tough and 100% waterproof. Use it without a map case, whatever the weather! To provide the biggest area on the smallest lightest sheet, the Ultramap is printed double sided. The ingenious folding pattern allows you to open the Ultramap directly to any part, and either side, of the sheet. The two sides are aligned, so when you reach the edge of the Ultramap sheet you simply flip it over without re-folding. There's an overlap as well, so you can map read continuously. The magic scale of 1:40,000 enables the Ultramap to provide all the detail you would expect to find on a large scale walking map, including rights of way and boundaries. Plastic pocket for protection. The area covered on this sheet includes Edale, Kinder Scout, Gritstone Edges and Ladybower Reservoir.


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